Understanding the Different Types of Essays Used in Academic Writing

It is academic writing which has played a central role in the arena of academics in the entire world today. Here the educators, trainers, and experts of assignment writing share their experiences and train the students to qualify their daily curriculum. The phrase "assignment help" has several connotations, but while talking in the context of the education sector, it is a task assigned by a teacher to students to be completed outside of class time. It can be conducted in the form of online and offline form.  A good assignment requires careful drafting, and its grades are awarded following the University's standards or criteria. University teachers are expected to understand the fundamentals of writing assignments and selecting a decent topic. So the experts of the assignment at the assignment help service centers need to have eminent skills and vibrant knowledge regarding the subject and standards of the university to meet up the demands of the assignments.


Importance of essays in academic content writing

A focused and immense piece of writing which is designed to inform or persuade the readers is something defined as an essay. So, it can be determined as an art that shapes the featured elements of thinking and the voice of the writers. Essay writing is important and unbreakable part of academic writing, as it can help the experts to clarify the learning procedures and analytically sort the ideas and information and provide critical judgment for the same. It also helps in developing the skills of writing and structuring the argument in such a manner that can attract the minds of the readers or the tutors.

Different types of essays

Though there are many varied types of essays implemented in academics writing, the assignment help service providers tend to use four of them, and they are as follows:

Argumentative Essays - It is a lengthy, evidence-based argument that necessitates a solid thesis statement—a well-defined position upon the raised issue. The goal of this type of essay is to persuade the reader regarding the writer’s viewpoint using evidence such as quotations and analysis. It tends to test the presentation and kind of research conducted by the writer while working upon a topic.

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This essay is divided into three parts where. The first part contains the introduction, i.e., the topic or the statement for the thesis. The second part contains the main body, i.e., the presentation of the arguments and pieces of evidence for proving the same. The last part contains the conclusion, which includes the summary of the entire argument conducted throughout the task. 

Descriptive Essays - these kinds of essays tend to describe something in-depth of its senses. They enable the writers to be more imaginative as narrative essays than most scholarly writings, yet they are more closely focused than narrative essays. Instead of describing a full tale, one here might describe a single area or subject only.  A descriptive essay can be arranged very freely, but it should typically start with entering the description and conclude by creating a picture of it in general. The main point here is to provide an original description of the product via careful word selections and metaphorical language.

These essays allow the writer to explain something in detail, generally an experience, so that the reader can feel it. This kind of writing is more subjective, similar to the reflecting essay; however, material or statistics may be used from sources to offer more contexts and to back your descriptions. Such writings are often short. For instance, in one to two paragraphs, describe what an observation is.

Expository Essays - this type of essay mainly tends to provide a clear as well as a focused explanation of a topic to be dealt with. Here there is no requirement to manage the original arguments; one just needs to have an adequate balance and organized view regarding the subject. These essays measure the knowledge of a subject along with the organization and communication of information. They are frequently assigned in high school or as test questions in college. This essay is also divided into three parts where the introduction presents the subject and offers an overview, the body presents the specifics, and the conclusion summarizes the provided material.

Narrative Essays - it is a kind of storytelling regarding the personal experiences of a writer, or it may also be based upon the imagination or something which one has never expected could happen. These essays are framed basically to test the ability and build up a narration kind of structure for the tasks. They are far more personal and imaginative than other academic texts. Writing an application personally demands the same abilities as writing a narrative essay. These kinds of essays are not accurately divided under heads such as introduction, body, and conclusion; rather, they are set up and get completed in narrative format only, where the writer tells a story regarding his experiences along with the reasons that the story led to an impression upon him. 

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      Type of Essay

           Required Skills

  • Argumentative Essay

  • Formation of opinions via researches.  

  • Building arguments based upon pieces of evidence.

  • Expository Essay

  • Effective knowledge of the subject 

  • The clarity in communicating information

  • Narrative Essay

  • Fluent usage of language

  • The narration needs to be compelling

  • Descriptive Essay

  • Creative usage of language


Frequently Asked Questions

How can a writer know what kind of essay is to be written?

Usually, the teachers or the guides at the school or college level tend to provide specific guidelines regarding the requirements for a specific kind of essay required by them in their assessment. But sometimes they might only provide hints for the same. In the second case, the writer needs to look carefully towards the prompted keywords and select the adequate format of the essay for themselves. 

Which kinds of essays are most commonly used at universities in the UK?

Mostly in the universities of the UK, argumentative essays have been used. These essays are very popular in academic writing due to their involvement of high quality of evidenced arguments.

Also read: 3 Ways you can improve your score in Academic Essays

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