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What Are The 7 Human Resource Functions?

Do you know what is that one thing without that a good company need? Though there are many things in the organization which plays an important role, it is the Human Resource of a company which keeps it stable. Many people don’t have any idea what exactly the working of human resources is about. To know more about knowledge and start a career in HR you need to pursue MBA in HR. when you start your study your university professor will provide you with lots of assignments for developing your practical skills.

You may feel overwhelmed completing those assignments so don’t feel stressed and take instant assignment help from our management expert writers. HRM or human resource management is a vital part of every company. the fundamental role of the HR department is to invest in the human capital of the organization and implemented a wide range of activities that will help in the most efficient delivery and effective economic output.

There are 7 core functions of Human Resource activities: selection and recruitment, training and development, performance management, employee relations, employment law and compliance, compensation and benefits and administration, payroll and HR system. These functions are a wide variety of activities for which the HR is responsible.

HR functions

The main responsibility of HR in an organization is to follow these functions. Each of the functions is a variety of activities which are related to the employee's well-being balanced with the need of the company. These functions are implemented by the HR department to make sure that the organization is treating every employee in a good way and providing mutual benefits to each employee of the organization to achieve the overall goals of the organization.

The students need to learn and know in detail about the different HR functions. If you need any help with your assignments our HR Assignment Help is available for you from our expert writers.

HR functions

The 7 core HR goals

1. Selection and recruiting

The fundamental function of the HR department of an organization is to recruit and select the perfect candidate. The activities include for this is to recognize what job role is needed, writing the job description accordingly, explaining the requirement for the job role and skills required for identifying the right candidate, budget setup for salary, reaching the right people with an advertisement, screening the candidate, interviewing, and then selecting the right candidate for the job.

It seems easy but the function is not only to find people to feel the position. T is need to be done correctly, by explaining the job specification, and according to the job profile placing the right candidate can help the organization to grow and create a happy workforce.

2. Training and development

HR needs to provide their employee who needed to provide with training and development, and also provide them with the necessary tools which will help them to strengthen their skills, and brings more confidence in them so they can perform more efficiently. The employer who takes care of and works in these ways can experience an increase in employee satisfaction and morale.

Giving training to the employee can be proven to be beneficial for the company. It is better to invest in the training of the employee, which will develop skills in the employees, increase employee retention and can save on the recruitment cost. In this way, a company can able to attract a candidate who wants to join the company to get good training which will serve them good opportunities.

3. Performance management

With the help of the line manager performance management is usually facilitated by Human Resources. It is a great tool which helps to monitor the progress and assess the work, attitude, efficiency and effectiveness of the employee.

If your organization has good performance management then it will include annual or quarterly appraisals or performance reviews. This process allows one-to-one communication between the employee and line manager which help to set clearer individual goals and team goals that will be coordinated with the strategic goals of the organization.

The ongoing process of performance management will include it variety of activities so that a performance management cycle can be formed.

4. Employee relation

There are two functions of Employee Relations. First, the disputes between the employee and management are resolved with the help of HR and second, HR help to assist in enforcing and creating policies that are not biased and prove to be consistent for the whole organization.

The well-being of the employee can only be increased due to good relationships. The term Employee Relation refers to the effort of the organization to execute and maintain a positive relationship between the employer and employees. ER is an essential part of the performance of the organization, loyalty among the employee and improved engagement. It also refers to the contractual and practical relationship and personal and emotional dimension relationship as well.

5. Employment law compliance

It is very important for every HR personnel to be familiar with, have good knowledge and be up-to-date with the employment law, they must ensure that all the company policies, benefits and procedures follow the latest law. From recruitment to performance, management, employee relations, compensation etc., every resource of the company must cover under a wide range of laws and regulations.

6. Compensation and benefits

The important HR function which is the favorite of every employee is compensation and benefit. The basic salary that is agreed upon by every employee is compensation. The pay raises linked to appraisals, pensions, social security, private health insurance, corporate discounts, longevity perks and others that depend upon the company’s and employee’s priority are the benefits which are offered to the employee.

7. Administration, payroll and HR system

The HR of the company is responsible to fulfill the following administrative duties which include maintaining employee data, developing systems, calculating taxes, paying salaries and prorating working hours and holidays. In the bigger organization, there may be different payroll teams who work together with the HR department.

The 7 core HR goals


So these are the important functions of HR which are very important to understand for the students who are pursuing an MBA, take our MBA Assignment Help to ease your studies. Treat Assignment Help UK provides the best assignment help to students.


What are the 5 main areas of HR?

There are 5 duties of Human Resources: compensation and employee benefits, talent management, training and development, workplace safety and compliance.

What are the 3 Ps of HR?

Here are 3 P’s of Performance Management: Purpose, people and process.

What is the first step in HR?

The first step in the planning of human resources is to identify the current human resources supply of the company. The HR department has to make a detailed study of the strength of the company based on the number of people, their skills, qualifications, benefits, positions and performance levels.

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