What Is E-commerce? Definition And Guide (2023)

E-commerce can be defined as the selling and buying of goods and services through the internet and the transfer of data and money to complete the sales. It is also called internet commerce and electronic commerce. Since its beginning, online selling has changed extremely, the history and evolution of e-commerce are captivating and it’s proceeding at an even quicker step today.

With this, with the increasing popularity of e-commerce among people, the topic is also started studying in academics and become an important chapter of the MBA. As the upcoming age will be of technology and advancement and people will prefer online shopping to save time and effort the topic keeps very high weightage in marketing studies.

With this, to provide knowledge to students on this topic the teacher provides an MBA assignment related to e-commerce topic and as the topic is new to students they look for MBA assignment help to complete the given task on time. 

So if you are one of those students who is pursuing their studies in business and due to lack of time and understanding looking for a business management writing service in the UK then Treat Assignment Help UK is for you. Here we provide you with all the assignment writing services for MBA or other subjects at reasonable prices. With this, in this article to develop your knowledge about e-commerce we have provided complete information about the topic. So students browse the cursor down.

What is e-commerce?

E-commerce also known as electronic commerce is the selling and buying of goods and services or the transferring of data or funds, over an electronic platform, primarily the internet.

These business transactions happen either as business-to-consumer (B2C), consumer-to-business, business-to-business (B2B) or consumer-to-consumer. In simple words, e-commerce is an electronic platform that provides online buying and selling of goods and services to customers.

With this, in the last two years, e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon are widely used by people and have contributed a high amount of sustainable growth in online marketing. According to US reports of 2011, the e-commerce platform accounted for 5% of total retail sales and it has risen to over 16% in the pandemic.

Working of  e-commerce !

Working of e-commerce

E-commerce is driven by the internet. Through their own devices, consumers contact an online store to place orders for the product and services they needed. After the placement of the order, the web browser of the customer will communicate back and forward with the server hosting the website of e-commerce.

The information and data relating to the order will be transferred to the central computer which is known as the order manager. It will then be transferred to the databases that look out the inventory levels i.e. a trading system that looks out information on the payment, using applications like PayPal and a computer bank. In the last, the whole information is provided to the order manager. This is done to know that the store inventory and the consumer funds are sufficient for the order to take place. 

After the validation of the order, the order manager provides the information about the order to the web server. The web server shows a message to the customer that their order is successfully processed towards delivery. After this, the order manager sends the information and details of the order to the warehouse, letting it know about the product and service can be transmitted to the consumer. At this point, digital or tangible products may be shipped to a consumer or access to service may be granted. 

Platforms that provide e-commerce transactions involve online market stores that sellers sign up like Amazon, software as a service (SaaS) tools that consent consumers to “charge” infrastructure of online stores or open source tools that companies and businesses manage using their internal inventors.   

Applications of e-commerce

Applications of e-commerce

Many retail e-commerce apps use the technique of online marketing to get consumers to use the platform. These involve online catalogues, email, and shopping carts, file transfer protocols, mobile applications, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and mobile applications. 

The following approaches are used in B2B and B2C activities, as well as other sorts of outreach. They involve e-newsletters to subscribers, emailing targeted ads and sending SMS tests to mobile devices. Sending unsought texts and emails is generally reflected as spam. More businesses and companies now try to entice customers online, using tools such as targeted advertisements, digital coupons and social media marketing. 

 Another area of concentration for e-commerce companies and businesses is security. Admins and developers should consider customer data privacy and security, personally detectible information privacy rules and protocols of information protection when emerging e-commerce applications and systems and data governance connected to regulatory defiance orders.

Some features of security are added during the development of an application while others are updated continually updated to identify evolving risks and new exposures.

Conclusive Statement

Hope the above-mentioned article provides you with complete information about e-commerce. With this, if you are facing difficulty in doing your MBA assignment and looking for assignment help in the UK, then contact Treat Assignment Help UK and get the best academic writing services. 


Why e-commerce is considered the future?

With time the e-commerce business is rising and will change curiously in the future. With this, e-commerce also changes the needs, behaviour and shopping trends of consumers a lot and within 25 years the e-commerce industry had created over 2 trillion US dollars in sales globally.

What is considered the main types of e-commerce?

In e-commerce, the three main types of e-commerce are business-to-consumers (Amazon, etc.), consumer-to-consumer (eBay, etc.) and business-to-business (Shopify, etc.).  These are popular types of e-commerce that are widely used by people.

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