BA Business Management Assignment Sample


The report has included various strategies for flexible working concerning GreenCo which manufactures and sells equipment of agriculture which will be going to help in evaluating various benefits while implementing strategies in the organization. It will also recognize how branches of human resources should deliberate while implementing these tactics. For endorsing and encouraging engagement, key considerations such as pay structure will also be comprised while endorsing recommendations.

Flexible working and its benefits

This type of work helps employees in encouraging balance in work-life and drop the stress level. Various benefits of flexible working which will help in fostering and empowering all the potential employees are as follows-

  • Benefits in demonstrating a high level of belief and respect towards potential employees which aids in improving retention.

  • The productivity of the employees is maximized while they are allowed to schedule their work according to their flexible timing and commitments.

  • Access to top talent will be retrieved with the help of flexible working actions while eliminating the various regional restrictions.

  • This will help in diminishing carbon emissions as well as traffic congestion, which will help in promoting a sustainable future and eco-friendly actions.

  • If GreenCo will embrace these strategies, it will benefit in adapting to the evolving requirements of the employees and remaining competitive in the swiftly changing landscape.

Consideration before executing strategies of flexible working to employees

BA Business Management (LCBB5004) Assignment Sample

Implementation and plan of flexible working can help in embarking on various significant factors assessed by the HR department-

  1. For keeping the team organized and ensuring fair job distribution at GreenCo, the organization has to follow governed and authorized compliance which is crucial for establishing protocols for teamwork, management, and communication.

  2. Keeping the team consistent and reliable which is only possible with fair distribution of relevant tasks will help in teamwork and workload circulation.

  3. It is significant to evaluate whether organisational morals aid flexible working as well as whether managers are prepared to efficiently support and manage remote employees.

  4. GreenCo IT proficiency can be assessed by the human resource department while covering network security, communication platforms, and remote access which will help in enduring more productivity and being linked with relevant employees.

  5. Strategies of flexible working should be evaluated daily that will aid in getting improved over time while making mandatory improvements.

Reconfiguration of the pay structure

The GreenCo should regularly conduct pay audits for identifying and rectifying the pay gaps which rises due to flexible work provisions. Including non-monetary incentives such as opportunities for career progression, community recognition, or flexible benefits that endorse work-life balance. Thus, this will be going to entail a compensation structure while being more focused towards traditional elements linking to performance, flexibility and results. With the help of these considerations, the organization will ensure that all the actions continue to be more helpful, fair and encouraging while executing the criteria of pay structure.

Evaluation of Strategies

For keeping all the remote employees informed as well as tangled it is important to produce effective routes of communication with which they feel more associated and intricated towards the organization. Employees' comfort is crucial for preserving work-life balance, which is possible by offering tools and assistance. This is only possible through regular breaks, spreading respectable behaviors, and giving people more access to amenities for mental health. Thus, it is determined that flexibility in the organization helps in empowering staff and encouraging a sense of possession that increases engagement and autonomy.


Various recommendations towards organization assessment with the HR department for implementing flexible working approaches are as follows-

  • Creating thorough and clear policies which include details such as eligibility necessities, management possessions and approaches for requesting flexibility will going to help in upholding legal standards and endorsing equity.

  • Offering constant feedback, regular check-ins, as well as performance assessments that deliberate the dynamic forces of distant working that is only possible through the mechanism of performance evaluation.

  • Regularly refining strategies and procedures by doing data analysis for finding patterns, difficulties, and opportunities for change.

  • Developing a culture that endorses well-being and inspires staff members for having a healthy work-life balance will help in ensuring and making all the employees attentive to lines extricating work as well as personal life.

Thus, it has been acknowledged from the recommendations that the implementation of flexible working tactics will help GreenCo in promoting the overall performance of the organization while increasing the engagement of employees while promoting and generating a pleasant work culture and environment.


From the report, it has been acknowledged that strategies of flexible working benefits in allowing and nurturing a positive working principle while endorsing work-life balance, as well as reducing stress. Thus, execution of these tactics of flexible working will help GreenCo in increasing output, assessing the satisfaction of workforces and encountering problems.

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